Below is a field report from Ann, one of the tireless volunteers at Help without Frontiers (HwF). HwF is currently providing emergency food packages to displaced people from Myanmar in Thailand who have seen their income being wiped out in the wake of COVID-19. (You can read more here: COVID-19 Response)
Today we delivered "Food Sets for Life" to 119 families in 4 communities in the Tha Sai Luad area (Ta Yat Taw / Ma Kyi Taw / New Day Old School / Bout Kyan whose children attend NewDay Migrant Learning Center and where our Ray of Youth Project leader lives.
The community dwellings are small, narrow and crowded. Most dwellings are owned by one employer. The family has to pay a monthly rent, but if the employer needs some help the families have to prioritise it over any work towards an independent income. Most jobs are construction, garbage collection, carrying goods at the border at the pier, and sub-contract sewing from the factory where no fair pay or benefits are provided.
The community environment is unhygienic and has a foul smell due to the number of sick people. We have seen many sick people suffering from chronic diseases. There are many children, and mothers here breastfeed more than in other communities. Children often have a few years of schooling and drop out very quickly to help their parents earn a living.
Today we have the Rays of Youth and the New Day Learning Center teachers helping the community. Today our "Food Sets for Life" reached 881 families.
Tomorrow (Saturday) there is no distribution. But the education team still has another day of training for teachers who will do home-based learning in the community.
Thank you for your support!
You can help Help Without Frontiers with their emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis. For donations, please see our dedicated page on how you can support them: COVID-19 Response. If you are not in a position to donate, please consider sharing this message on social media to spread the word.